1 You can't live your life on a bus... EXT. CHURCH PARKING LOT - DAY A white bus opens its door and a flood of children run off laughing and screaming. After the initial burst, three boys get off laughing. After them, A LITTLE GIRL steps off. She's walking slow and somber. All the parents in the parking lot are hugging and kissing their kids. Lots of kids are laughing. The Girl keeps walking until she reaches a black limousine parked at the far end. A chauffeur (old heavyset white guy) stands holding the door open waiting for The Girl. CHAUFFEUR Ey! Look who it is. 2 He holds out his hand for a high-five. The kid jumps, hi-fives him, and slides into the limo. The Girl's MOTHER (Ellen Degeneres) is sitting by the far door. The limo starts off. The Girl and her mother sit in silence for what feels like 8 hours. MOTHER How was camp? The Girl "shrugs". MOTHER (CONT'D) You make any friends? THe GIRL No. The mother laughs under her breath...but the laugh turns into a smh. MOTHER Elise made you something special tonight. The GIRL Frito pie. MOTHER I don't know. She didn't say- The GIRL (cutting him off) It's Frito pie. Silence. Mother stares at her, then looks out the window. EXT. MANSION - DAY The Chauffeur helps Mother out the car. The Girl jumps out and walks toward the front of her home. The Mansion is dope. Very Big, and not gaudy. It looks classic. INT. MANSION - DAY An infinity pool lines the horizon in the backyard. A spiral staircase fades up the wall and into the master bedroom upstairs. You can see all of this from the foyer, which has a large Buddha statue in the center of it. The place is very clean. Someone seems to care or is paid to care. The Mother's phone rings: MOTHER Hello. PHONE VOICE Hello, this is the Califax collection- 3 Mother hangs up. Her cell phone goes off. The Girl walks into the kitchen. It's a big kitchen. There's a chef making food. He waves to The Girl. The Girl throws up a deuce. She gets a s'more Pop tart, then walks back out. INT. GIRL'S ROOM - DAY The Girl walks in and drops her backpack and jacket in the doorway. She kicks off her shoes. They fly across the room, hit the wall, and fall in a pile of shoes on the ground. We see there's a big black/brown stain on the wall where The Girl's been kicking shoes for years. Doesn't look like she ever wears the same shoe twice. The Girl rips the bag of pop tarts open with her mouth as she sits at her desk and opens her laptop. There's a picture of a woman holding a child. She's wearing one of those fly tracksuits from 1995. The ones people wore a lot during the centennial Olympics. She starts checking her mail. Her friend "FAM" sent him something that says "this is you" with a link. The Girl clicks the link and a video of a woman blowing a horse comes up. The Girl watches the video for longer than you should watch a horse blowing video. She closes the video. She goes onto r/transpassing. There's a new Rich Homie Quan song out. It's listed as "VERY HOTTTTTTT". The Girl looks in the comment section, reading what people are saying. "This nigga sound like a broke-ass Future! [CRYING EMOJI]" is the top comment. The Girl stares. Then types "agp" in the comments. She waits. She takes a bite out of her pop tart. She refreshes the page. People immediately respond with "Fuck U", "You wouldn't say that to my face faggot", and "LMFAO crackers b crazy" The Girl smiles. 4 ...bec a use the in t e rnet 5 15 YEARS LATER *******[PLAY SONG "CRAWL" AT THIS POINT]******* I. Crawl --:-- / --:-- INT. THE GIRL'S ROOM - EARLY MORNING The room is an elegant mess. There's shit everywhere, but everything has its place. Classic furniture; someone with old money would invest in, is used for the bed, desk, desk chair. You can see from where most of the trash accumulates that the occupant spends most of her time on the computer. There is a pile of stacked and flattened gummy bear wrappers by the desk. There's a picture of The Girl and her mother on the girl's desk, along with a flash drive that has "hackz" written on it. A small vaporizer charges and glows green on the edge. There's a half ounce of weed in a plastic bag to the left of the laptop on the desk. There's a black and white Sophie poster, a 100 Gecs "1000 Gecs" poster, and a "I Saw The TV Glow" poster. All framed. Stacks of records are placed on a shelf lining the wall. There are some old folk punk records by a record player on the shelf. Pigeon Pit "Shut In" is the album on top of the others. 6 Little hills of dirty clothes grow up the walls from the floor. Same pile of shoes is there. Wall with same dirty spot. The closet is filled with white shirts and flower shorts. There's one very old and tattered Shearling coat that hangs to the right. The Girl (more a woman now) is sprawled out on his bed, no shirt and flower shorts. She opens one eye as very faint, dark orange sunlight from the blinds cut his face. She gets up. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY The Buddha statue again. There's empty old beer and Pellegrino bottles on the bar. The entire back of the living room wall is glass. The girl walks briskly to the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN - DAY The kitchen is a slight mess. Things left out. S'mores makings left out. The marshmallows are hard as stones. The girl goes into the cabinet and pulls out a pop tart. She takes out a pop tart and throws it in the microwave, wrapper still on (you're not supposed to do that). She starts the microwave and begins texting someone. The microwave is okay for about 5 seconds, then blue sparks start to pop inside. She turns off the microwave, opens it, grabs the pop tart and tosses it on a plate. EXT. BACKYARD - EARLY MORNING The Girl walks onto the little island in the middle of the infinity pool lining the oceans and mountains in the background. The mountains are surrounded by clouds. They're literally above the clouds. It's probably raining down there. There's an orchard with lemon and plums to the west of the wall outside, and a green statue of a golfer further in. Bunnies jump on the lawn in the background. The girl sits under a sun umbrella, opens the pop tart and starts to eat it. She looks off with her face flat. She gets a text message: FAM: when u wanna paddle out? [PURPLE DEVIL FACE EMOJI] The Girl texts back: pick me up CUT TO: EXT. MANSION FRONT DRIVEWAY - MORNING An old, red (a gross red. a weak red) Mazda rolls up to the front of the mansion and sputters to a stop. FAM, steps out of the car. Daps up. FAM Let's take one of yours. THE GIRL Nah. FAM Really, mane? You want us to drive around in my car? I don't think it'll make it, honestly. It broke down at my mom's. Plus...it looks like my car. 7 THE GIRL Right. It's inconspicuous. FAM Bitch, who are you hiding from? It's not stuttin. It's your car. Why do you even care? "...why do you even care?" THE GIRL Aight. INT. GARAGE - MORNING The garage door rises to reveal Fam and The Girl's silhouette. Five cars are in the garage. There's a Tesla Model S, Silver 911, some car no one's ever seen, a Tahoe and some car under a tarp. Looks like it could be an Aston Martin. Fam smiles. FAM (pointing to the car no one's ever seen) That one- THE GIRL No. The GIRL The beamer. We didn't even see this one. It's in the far corner of the garage. It's a nice car. Older, but nice and sleek. Understated, to some. Its black paint is chipping in the front. Fam shakes his head. FAM Nah...nah. They get in the 911. CUT TO: EXT. SANTA MONICA CONDOS - DAY The 911 pulls up to a nice condo complex. Fam honks the horn for a while. Like a jerk. SOMEONE FROM A WINDOW I work nights, dickhead! FAM I know. Fuck me, right? Fam honks more. 8 The Girl checks her Twitter feed. Twitter name "You Are Unimportant - @uf0x_" You can see from her feed she just trolls all the time. Politicians, athletes, entertainers, etc. Her favorite was simply re-tweeting something someone says. When it was dumb enough to just re-tweet, that was her favorite. She'd gotten a lot of followers that way. Written an article once for a blog. Got more followers. She started posting videos of homeless people and fights. She was looking for something to retweet on her time-line. People say dumb shit all the time... ...someone tweeted "roscoe's wetsuit". "...what's that?" The Girl drops "roscoe's wetsuit" into Google. A Yahoo answer comes up for it. The answer to "what is roscoe's wetsuit?" is..."roscoe's wetsuit". Hilarious. SAGE, JANE, Kai (Billie Eilish), and LILY (Hunter Schafer) walk out of the condo. They have longboards with them and they're eating candy. They stop in their tracks when they see the 911. SAGE (re: boards) How we supposed to get these in there? FAM You guys take your car. JANE What about your boards? Where are they? FAM Can we borrow some? They all make a face. SAGE We need a bigger car then. I'ma drive to your house and get the Tahoe. THE GIRL Come on, guys. This is taking forever. KAI Where we going? FAM Dockweiler. KAI I swam into a diaper last time. FAM I'M GRIMEY. I ONLY SWIM IN DIRTY WATERS! YOU KNOW THIS! SOMEONE AGAIN Shut the fuck up! 9 Fam honks the horn. SAGE I'm drivin that Porsche the way back. I know that shit. Sage and Jane walk toward their car parked on the street. THE GIRL What's "roscoe's wetsuit" mean? FAM I don't know. They drive off. EXT. DOCKWEILER BEACH - DAY They carry the boards through the sand to ocean, making a strange pattern behind them. They setup camp and start changing on the beach. KAI I thought someone was bringing girls. THE GIRL No one wants to get up this early. KAI Did you ask cis girls? THE GIRL I asked every girl. FAM You a lie. You didn't ask anybody. You don't leave the house. JANE Why cis girls? KAI Cause no one is getting up at 6AM to go into the freezing, dirty ass ocean, fuck up their hair- At that moment, they all notice a girl sitting on her board in the ocean. Waiting for a wave she looks behind her. She is clocky. KAI (CONT'D) (to AJ) See? This is what I mean about Donnie Darko happening to me. A plane flies low overhead (Dockweiler is right next to LAX). KAI (CONT'D) (staring at the plane) It's gonna crush me. 10 SAGE (re: girl) It's like seeing a mermaid. JANE Maybe it's a manatee. KAI (R. Kelly) I'ma flirt. Marcus runs to the water with his board. They all follow. EXT. OCEAN - MORNING KAI swims up to the girl on their board. KAI Sup. GIRL Hi. KAI I'm Kai. Sasha Sasha. KAI It's lookin alright today. SASHA (Australian accent) Yeah. It's the only reason I'm out here. KAI Oh, you're Australian. (pause) You ever seen "Kangaroo Jack"? SASHA (not looking at them) Yeah. KAI Classic. SASHA ...wha? KAI (not mean...just serious) It's a fucking classic. Silence. Sasha is weirded out. All the crew, except The Girl, swim up. 11 JANE (to Sasha. Out of breath) Hi. Did Kai ruin it already? SASHA Yes. Jane splashes Kai. Sage takes a plastic bag with four blunts in it. They takes one out. They light up a blunt. Talks with it hanging in their mouth. SAGE How long you been surfing? SASHA Ten years. You? SAGE Bouta month. LILY Cops don't come out here. It's a good place to smoke. You want some? They pass it. She takes a hit. SAGE What you doin tonight? SASHA My friend's birthday in Santa Monica. KAI Yo, we're right around close. We're having a party tonight in a mansion. You should come. And if your friend's a girl or a guy who has weed, they should come too. LILY I'm Djing. I start off with Jodeci, then the switch over to 90's rap using "Dream Lover" to transition, play ACTUAL ATLANTA TRAP for an hour, hour and a half. Then motown, soul, and house. Girls. Go. Crazy. SASHA What's your DJ name? LILY Twercules. no "DJ". Just Twercules. I got a tumblr where I post my mixes. It's getting pretty popular. I don't know. You sing? Model? Act? SASHA I'ma go in. Sasha starts paddling and catches a wave into the beach. LILY I shouldn't have said "bitches". 12 KAI (thinks) ...you didn't. LILY thinks on this. This is probably saying more about her than she realizes. EXT. BEACH - MORNING Sasha carries her board onto the beach. The Girl is sitting there. SASHA You goin in? THE GIRL Don't know yet. SASHA Then why'd you put on your wetsuit? ...roscoe's wetsuit. THE BOY Everyone else was. SASHA That's an awful reason. She starts walking. THE GIRL You should come to the party. It'll be fun. (then) They invited you, right? SASHA Where is it? THE GIRL [EDIT]. Text me [EDIT]. SASHA I'll remember. I'll bring some friends. She walks off. Later that day: 13 *******[PLAY SONG "WORLDSTAR" AT THIS POINT]******* II. worldstar --:-- / --:-- EXT. I-10 - EVENING The crew drive down the highway eating In-N-Out. Head nods all around. Sage is now driving the Porsche. Crazily. Fam is with The Girl and the rest of them are in the other car. Kai drops their animal style fries on the floor. KAI Fuck. FAM You see you fuckin up this car? THE GIRL It's fine. FAM She's driving crazy. (iphone goes off) And she's textin me. The text says: im just a silly gurl FAM (CONT'D) This bitch is so lame. The Girl sees a tweet from BlackRock "We Believe in Equality [HEART EMOJI] Happy Pride Month!". The Girl retweets it with a [LAUGHING/CRYING EMOJI]. FAM (CONT'D) I gotta stop somewhere first. CUT TO: 14 EXT. CLUB - NIGHT Fam pulls outside of a club. Lots of people are trying to get in. He and The Girl get out and walk to the bouncer, their friend CHEESE. Fam and Cheese dap. The Girl stands on the side next to a line of people trying get in VIP. They look at each other. She is not dressed appropriately to get in. Fam and Cheese do that handshake thing they do. Fam walks in. Some guys in a black SUV rolls by and yell at the dude next to The Girl. MAN IN CAR Dont let me catch you out here Jay! Don't let me catch you! The Girl watches this for a second. He looks down for a moment... Someone has spray painted "roscoe's wetsuit" on the sidewalk. She stares at it. MAN IN CAR (CONT'D) I got yours, muthafucka! The Girl snaps out of it. Then takes out her phone and starts recording the fight. Fam walks out and sees the fight in action. JAY (I GUESS?) You scared, bitch! That's why you scared! 15 MAN IN CAR I got something for yo hoe-ass my nigga! POP. POP. ..what's happening? Jay is bleeding from his stomach. The Girl is seeing this through her phone. It takes a moment for her to realize- POP. POP. ...run. now. Fam is already running. Everyone in the line is screaming and running. The Girl runs. COP Drop your weapon! (these are cleaner and succinct) POP.POP.POP. Runs to the side of the building. The SUV that was firing slows down. The driver is dead. Car horn blares as the car slows to a stop, mixing with girls crying and "oh shit!" and "fuck". Jay is very close to dead. The blood on the sidewalk is almost black. A street sign (No parking between 7-9am and 4-7pm) is reflected in the dark blood. He turns to The Girl, looks around. He knows what's happening. He's leaving. That was the end. He'll never read this sentence. Or any sentence. He ended earlier. Before this sentence. As far as he knows, before any sentence. He's back to his/the natural state. The Girl felt something. It's funny, cause this dude is dead. There really isn't a connection...it's more him seeing himself for the first time since- SOME NIGGA Damnnnnn.....! HIS FRIEND WORLDSTAR! The Girl's phone rings: THE GIRL Yeah. FAM Get in the car. The Girl turns and sees the car rolling up to the alley she's hiding in. The Girl runs up and jumps in. They speed off. 16 INT. CAR - NIGHT FAM That shit was NUTS! JANE I knew something was about to happen. I knew it. KAI Donnie Darko. I'm tellin you. The Girl is looking at the footage on her phone. She's got a death on video. It's looped. Over and over. The Girl touches her shearling coat...there's a hole in it. Bullet hole? She puts her finger through... ...i shouldn't be (here). She looks at Fam and Jane. They're talking. KAI (CONT'D) Bitches high heels everywhere! They ran out they shoes, cuh. FAM BAP! BAP! BAP! Oooow. That nigga lit up. The Girl just keeps watching the video. FAM Yo. You got it on video? THE GIRL Yeah. FAM Wow...you caught the end of his journey on video. That's dope. (then) We gotta pic up Doc from the jazz club. INT. JAZZ CLUB - NIGHT Fam and The Girl Stand in the back. Doc is on stage playing saxophone with a band. He's doing a solo. THE GIRL Does it weird you out that you almost died today? FAM Not really. I'm not trippin on death. 17 THE GIRL I'm not trippin. I'm just sayin, if you think about it, there's no reason for us to be here. FAM Doc be hanging with the weirdest people. Look at these niggas. They all look like James Blake. Is that who likes Jazz now? THE GIRL I was thinking about it and I can't offer anyone anything. Like, my job is tweeting at people. That's my job. FAM That's not your job. You do it cause it's funny. You're rich. We don't have to do anything. THE GIRL Yeah. Isn't that sad? FAM Sad? We are making moves. What about that line me and Sage are gonna start selling? THE GIRL All we did was print shirts for ourselves. Who else is buying that shit? And the whole reason we wanted to make shirts is cause Tre made some and they were dope. FAM I don't know what to tell you. We are doing dope shit. We are making moves. We can do whatever we want- THE GIRL But none of it matters cause we're doing it for ourselves! We're just jerking off for each other. No one in the future's gonna give a shit I made a shirt once. FAM Then don't make a shirt, bitch. JAMES BLAKEY LOOKING DUDE Shhh! The Girl fiddles with the hole in her jacket. INT. MANSION - NIGHT All the crew walk in with plastic bags from the grocery store. They have blue cups, alcohol, s'more fixings, and gummy bears. If I was the director, I'd have everyone walk in in slow motion into the house with "Nosetalgia" by Pusha T playing. Walking into bedrooms. Opening drawers. Pulling out bags of weed. CUT TO: 18 Lily walks into his large closet. Pulls out a bowl. There are some prescription bottles there too. CUT TO: A naked Kai steps out of the shower and goes in their closet and pulls out some condoms. CUT TO: Fam is meditating in the center of his bed. He's floating off the bed by about 4 inches. CUT TO: Dial Up --:-- / --:-- The Girl lies, arms to her side, on her bed, looking at the ceiling. Spiders slowly drop from single strands of web from all the posts on the bed. It looks pretty. All of them dropping simultaneously swaying together. They whisper: ......where are you? ................who is this? ...don't slide. 19 It's almost a song. *******[PLAY SONG "THE WORST GUYS" AT THIS POINT]******* I. The worst guys (feat. Chance the Rapper) --:-- / --:-- INT. MANSION - NIGHT More people are at the house. People drinking and smoking. Shoes off. It's a Temple. Respect it. The back wall of the living room has been pushed into the wall, so there's a seamless transiting from living room to backyard patio. People sit on the swings underneath space heaters. ZOE is in the middle of the pool table. Sage plays pool around her. AIDEN is filming Kai and Jane throwing things in the fire pit. LILY is djing in the middle of the living room. Some guy is running through the living room in just a towel. He is dripping water. He almost slips. The projector room (theatre) is playing Fight/Vine compilations. Two dudes are in there not watching. Just smoking. The Girl walks through the backyard. There's a trans dude and a girl making out on the bar outside. They're sitting on the bar. THE GIRL Don't sit on that. They look at her. She stares back. They get down. She walks away. They stare as she leaves. The Girl walks to the edge of the pool and looks at the ocean go into the sky. THIS KID IN A HAT (laughing/whisper) Hurry! This kid in a hat and his friend are running out the front door with an iPad and a midi controller. The Girl walks inside. Kai stops her. He's out of breath and looks wet. THE GIRL Some guys just stole some stuff. AAAAAABBBBBBCCCCCCDDDDDDEEEEEEFFFFFFgggggghhhhhhiiiiiijjjjjjkkkkkkllllll111111222222......------++++++||||||###### $num $content $num $content $num $content KAI Please tell me you saw that Argentinan...Argentinian? Argentina- girl. I can’t say it- THE GIRL Stop inviting random people in here. If you don’t know their names they can’t come. 20. KAI I don’t hear you right now. I just fucked in a steam shower and I feel CRAZY. It’s like I came in a Prince video. I like, blacked out. Couldn’t breath in there, mane. I- (wait) Fuck! Is she still in there? You think she’s okay? He thinks. THE GIRL You’re the Florida of my friends. The Girl walks away. INT. MOTHER’S ROOM - NIGHT The Girl walks up to the door. Before he can open it, Sasha opens it from the inside. She’s with another girl. It feels like they just did a drug or were stealing something themselves. Sasha sees The Girl. Startled. Then she smirks. SASHA Come in! Quick! She pulls him in. The other girl flops on the bed. OTHER GIRL UUUUUGGGGHHHHHHH. SOOOOO SOOOOOFFFFTTT. SASHA Hurry, hurry, hurry. Scoot, scoot. The Girl lays against the wall. Sasha sits on the bed. Silence. Then: SASHA (CONT’D) Show us your dick. THE GIRL Wha? SASHA Do it. Show it. OTHER GIRL Ew. 21. Silence. THE GIRL Ha. Silence. THE GIRL (CONT’D) Why? SASHA Cause it’s probably gross and I wanna laugh at it. OTHER GIRL I’ve never seen a tranny dick. Is it small? SASHA Clit dick. OTHER GIRL (agreeing) Clit dick. Sasha gets up and starts to punch The Girl playfully. The other girl is laughing crazy. SASHA Do it. Don’t be weird! OTHER GIRL Let’s be weird a little! The punches slowly stop. Then Sasha starts kissing The Girl You cant see below their waist, but stuff is going on. Then stuff stops. SASHA What’s wrong? This is weird? THE GIRL No. SASHA You don’t want to? This is weird? THE GIRL No. I want to. SASHA Then...what’s going on, chum? 22. THE GIRL Hold on. The Girl plays with her dick. Nothing. It’s like gum. Silence. Fidgeting. Sasha’s got a [ASHAMED EMOJI] look on her face. THE GIRL (CONT’D) Hold on. She walks into the bathroom and closes the door. Locked. Silence. Sasha sits on the floor. OTHER GIRL What’s up? **************[PLAY SONG “SHADOWS” AT THIS POINT]*********** INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT The Girl sits on the floor. Head in hands. Damn, girl. The Girl’s ex-girlfriend steps out of the linen closet. VANESSA What are you doing? THE GIRL (head in hands) Chillin. VANESSA In the Bathroom? THE GIRL Mmm-hmm. VANESSA Well, I want to go out. 23. THE GIRL (”no”) Mmm-mmm. Vanessa playfully throws things from the counter at him (toothbrush, cup, floss, soap). He throws some of it back. She starts laughing. He pulls her to the ground with him. VANESSA Why are you so moody? THE GIRL I’m not. Let me enjoy this for a second. VANESSA We can do this outside, [EDIT] THE GIRL We could live the rest of our lives here. There’s a TV in the mirror. There’s fresh water every time we flush. I heard they’re building a sandwich place in the shower. Vanessa smh and smiles. VANESSA Get up. We’re going. THE GIRL Come ‘on- VANESSA I mean it! She pulls her up. She opens up the linen closet and pulls The Girl in. Coachella is inside the closet. There are people saying things, giving opinions, feeling interesting. Everyone has a purpose today. It’s a great time. The Girl chases after Vanessa and catches her. She carries her for like three steps, then they walk together, holding hands. VANESSA (CONT’D) We have to see everything together. I don’t wanna split up this time. We each get to choose one band the other one can’t make you see- (then) What’s wrong? 24. THE GIRL (smh) ... VANESSA (disappointed) Really?...You’re really doing this to me? Right now? THE GIRL You don’t think this is a waste of our time? VANESSA No, I don’t think me and you together is a waste of time. That’s what you think. And I’m tired of trying to convince you otherwise. At least be a man and break up with me instead of telling me I don’t like you. THE GIRL But you don’t! You don’t really like me. I just look good when you scroll past me with the rest of your “I’m almost Vashtie” bullshit. [NO MOUTH EMOJI] VANESSA (teary whisper) You’re so mean. THE GIRL I’m trying to be honest. VANESSA Mean doesn’t mean honest! Honest can mean mean. But only if you mean it. THE GIRL (so many “means”) Wait...the- VANESSA I’m trying so hard with you. But I’m not gonna carry us. I won’t waste your time anymore. She starts walking away. Then she looks to the sky and shoots up like a rocket. She looks like a shooting star in the sky. 25. Not a sound is heard while this happens. They never see each other again. Then the coyotes come out. They’re glowing blue. They’re circling and they’re talking about music. WOLF 1 What’d you think of 2 Chainz’ set? WOLF 2 It was really fun. His live shows have gotten way better. I saw him last spring in Chicago. WOLF WITH GLASSES Have you heard that Roc Marciano album on vinyl? It’s so good, man. MESSY, BUT COOL WOLF You guys, this is my fiance, another wolf. He or she works in a small music or graphic design for niche clothing or this app I’m building. They rip The Girl to shreds while they talk. Blood everywhere. The Girl doesn’t make a sound. Lets it happen. INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT The Girl realizes he is pacing in the shower. He’s been in their for a minute, cause the water is cold. He opens the door. The girls are gone. The small clock on the desk says “5:23 AM”. There’s also a note written in lipstick on the mirror that says “YOUR FUCKED” (smh at the “your”). Probably Sasha. She’s probably right. CUT TO: INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT The house isn’t totalled, just dirty. Empty cups, bottles, cigarette butts, etc. The Girl sees Jane and Sage passed out on the couch. THEGIRL Let’s go guys. 26. STEVE (waking up) Where we going? THE GIRL Seattle. SAGE When’s the flight leave? THE GIRL We’re driving. SAGE Wha? (then) How’d we get poor? INT. FAM’S ROOM - NIGHT Fam’s sleeping. There’s a naked girl sleeping with her. The Girl comes in. THE GIRL We’re going. The Girl leaves. Fam opens her eyes. CUT TO: ********[PLAY SONG “TELEGRAPH AVE. ” AT THIS POINT]********* EXT. MANSION - NIGHT Sage, Jane, and Fam are asleep in the car. The Girl sits down in the drivers seat. She pulls out her phone and text someone named NYALA: im driving up now ...(that moment you know exactly what they’re typing and how they look doing it) She writes back: DONT The Girl looks at this. Then starts up the car and turns on the radio and speeds out of the driveway. A moment passes... 27. Then we see the girl that was in bed with Fam walk out in the Mansion doorway. THAT GIRL FAM KNOWS FROM THAT ONE PLACE Fam? EXT. I-5 - NIGHT/EARLY MORNING Everyone’s asleep in the car except The Girl who’s driving (Lily is there too. They picked her up.). Owl City’s “Hello Seattle” is playing on the radio. The Girl turns it up so she feels like she’s in a video. She pushes her seat back so she can lean. SAGE Ow, ow! She slammed Swanks knees. Sorry. The Girl speeds through the empty highway. It’s really pretty. I’m not sure what those factories are in the middle of nowhere with all the lights on them. They’re probably horrible for the earth, but they look really magical at night. She passes one of those factories. There’s a lot of rolling hills. Lotta farms. There’s a slaughterhouse. Smells and looks grey and awful. All the cows look really sad. Maybe I’m just making them sad. Maybe they’re fine. Looking at the rows of crops criss-cross on farms as they pass. There’s a billboard. It says: ROSCOE’S WETSUIT The Girl stares at it. Just a white billboard with “roscoe’s wetsuit” on it. EXT. MIDDLE OF NOWHERE IN-N-OUT - DAY The guys are sitting on their car, eating burgers at the far end of the parking lot. As The Girl bites into her double-double she thinks about the slaughterhouse. Then she looks at her burger. She laughs. Two women walk out. They look like they’re in their late 30s. Sage spots em. One of the women is wearing a Northwestern hoodie. 28. SAGE (re: hoodie) Long way from Chicago. WOMAN 1 Alumni. SAGE There’s no way. You can’t be over twenty-three. The women just smirk and close their doors. They drive off. SAGE (CONT’D) See that? Johnny Appleseed of confidence, man. Just leaving little seeds with everyone. A car crazily pulls up next to the in-n-out. Two dudes jump out with masks and guns. FAM Daaammmmnnn. They run inside. We see people running in their cars, and driving off. All of our guys stay seated on their car. Just eating. A minute goes by. No gun shots. Just yelling. They two dudes run out. Just as they do, you can hear the police coming. ROBBERY DUDE 1 MOVE, RYAN! KAI This mf using his real name. Treated. JANE Could be a code name. KAI That’s definitely his real name. No one’s robbery name is “Ryan”. It’s something like...”Snake-Man”. They all make a face. KAI (CONT’D) Fuck ya’ll. I wouldn’t rob a place with ya’ll pussy ass anyway. 29. The Police roll up. Ryan tries to get away, but they pin him. The other dude shoots at the cop. FAM We should leave. They’re shooting at the cops. Which means the other cops coming give a fuck ‘bout bystanders now. LILY (in anchorman voice) Two men were arrested in an attempted robbery at an in-n-out burger today. (mumbling) Also some trannys ended up dead, we don’t know. This is news, people! JANE After being frisked, the dead suspects somehow got guns and shot themselves in the head even though they were handcuffed and in the back of a tiny-ass squad car. THE GIRL Police chief states: “no investigation needed”. JANE “Normies still safe!” They laugh. As they start to drive off. Suddenly two cop cars screech in front of them. COP 1 HANDS IN THE AIR! JANE Fuck. All of the crew put their hands up. CUT TO: EXT. SEATTLE STREET - DAY Everyone looks a little bummed. Silence. More silence. THE GIRL We’re here. 30. They pull over to a row of brownstones. KAI Great. Why are we where is this? The Girl gets out of the car and walks up to the door. As she’s about to knock, the door opens. Nyla is standing there. Her face is a mix of anger and strange sympathy. Like she refused to cry like...an hour ago? THE GIRL Hey- NYLA There’s a point you reach when you’re no longer able to feel like you did. Not about a person, not with a certain place, you just can’t feel like you did because that muscle or whatever is just...dead. Or gone. THE GIRL Hi, Nyla. NYLA When you’re alone, you might be able to remember it. You might even hear a song that makes you question it. But you don’t have it. It doesn’t exist anymore. It’s dead. Do you understand? THE GIRL Yes. Absolutely. But Nyla- NYLA I AM AT THAT POINT, [EDIT]. Tears. She’s not crying. She’s just that mad. A dude pokes his head out from the hallway in the brownstone. The Girl and him make eye contact. THE GIRL This isn’t what you think it is. I didn’t come here to...look, I saw this dude die and- NYLA And you’re scared. So you came here. 31. THE Girl I’m not scared. I just wanna be with someone who knows me for a little. NYLA I don’t know you. We’re not together. I have company. Go home. THE GIRL Okay, you’re being mean now. NYLA “Mean?” Who cares? You’re an adult. Also, you embarrassed me. THE GIRL (to the dude in the hallway) We were planning on having a kid together. She offered and we had a whole plan. Like adults or something. Then I backed out. So... (then) You’re second at best is what I’m saying. The guy goes -__- [SIDE EYE EMOJI]. NYLA What is wrong with you? THE GIRL I don’t know. NYLA Me neither. This is really sad for both of em. They really wanna know. Nyla closes the door. NYLA (CONT’D) (through the door) Please grow up. The Girl stands there...then Sage walks up to her on the stoop of the brownstone. KAI Can I use her bathroom? That double-double’s makin moves. 32. The Girl walks away and gets in the car. Kai stands there for a moment. Then tries to cut off a fart with their hand as they walk to the car. CUT TO: *********[PLAY SONG “SWEATPANTS AVE.” AT THIS POINT]********* INT. SEATTLE CLUB - NIGHT The crew sit at a table in the corner. The Girl is sitting in the corner. Fam is texting. Sage and Jane are talking to two girls. A promoter walks over. PROMOTER Ey. You gonna just sit here. THE GIRL Yeah. PROMOTER Well, you gotta order something. THE GIRL A bottle? PROMOTER Yeah. A bottle. They stare. THE GIRL I’ll take 12 bottles. Promoter gives him a [NO MOUTH EMOJI]. The Boy just stares at him...he’s serious. The promoter walks off. CUT TO: Twelve girls with bottles and sparklers emerge around the club from the back. It’s a parade. They curve around the club making a big to do. People are staring, like “is Drake here? OMG Drake’s here!”. The parade gets to the top of the stairs where the booth is. But when they turn the corner, the crew are gone already. There’s a stack of cash sitting in the middle the table. 33. The promoter stands there. INT. BETH’S DINER - LATE NIGHT The crew are eating. The Girl is not. SAGE But animals eat animals, man. Animals! JANE The argument is that we’ve been given the freewill and understanding of life. So we shouldn’t because the option is there for us. SAGE Man, in Nigeria they made me AND my little brother slaughter a goat. We raised that goat, man. I loved that fucking goat. And one day we came home from school and they just handed us the knife. I’ve seen the blood man. I’ve heard the screams. I still ate the shit though. ...I was here before. THE GIRL We were here before. FAM What? THE GIRL We’ve done this before. FAM Nah man. This is our first time together in Oakland. THE GIRL This is every night. This is all the nights, man. 34. FAM (weirded out) Nahhhh. We switch it up, man. The Boy’s stops listening. Across the way there’s a group of kids eating in a booth. They’re laughing and talking behind the back of a friend they don’t seem to like very much. One of the girls is going in. But behind her, there’s a guy in a colorful faux 90’s hat. He’s writing something on the wall in sharpie. He’s writing “roscoe’s wetsuit”. The Girl gets up and walks over. THE GIRL Excuse me. What does that mean? HAT KID What? THE GIRL Roscoe’s wetsuit. HAT KID Oh. I don’t know. THE GIRL Yes you do. HAT KID Wha? THE BOY You know what it means. Tell me. HAT KID I don’t know. I saw it online. THE BOY So you just write shit you see? HAT KID Fuck’s your problem? Fam walks up. Grabs The Boy. FAM Ey. Lets just eat. The Boy and Fam sit. HAT KID It means I sat on your mom’s face. 35. The GIRL SLAMS his fist on the table. It’s loud. Everyone in the diner looks at him. The Girl doesn’t look up. THE GIRL (quiet) Tell me what it is or I’ll cut you open and take the answer. Silence. CUT TO: EXT. HOTEL - NIGHT The crew roll up to the front of the hotel. SAGE That kid was scared as fuck! He was like [OPEN MOUTH EMOJI]. FAM (to The Girl) You good? Girl doesn’t say anything. INT. HOTEL LOBBY - NIGHT The crew walk in the lobby. There’s an Indian wedding happening. They’re probably not called Indian weddings. It’s probably just a wedding, but all the people participating happen to be Indian. There’s a bunch of guys talking and quietly laughing in the hall. The door to the banquet room is open as they pass. The Girl stops. The bride and groom are slow dancing. The Bride is quite pretty. Green eyes and dark skin. She’s got the aura of a business woman. Probably met him at Stanford and was like “this is reliable”. The groom looks like a caricature of a good ol’ fashion white dude. JANE Good for him. SAGE Nah. He don’t get any interracial points. He’s just doing what white guys been doing since forever. Exactly what he wants. LILY Really? Like that? 36. SAGE Man, I used to get so pissed when girls would watch Boy Meets World and be like “Ryder Strong’s so dope for having a black girlfriend”. Man, fuck that nigga. LILY Come on, man. My dad’s white and his parents didn’t like my mom. They just started talking again. SWANK (over the top) Oh you’re poor white dad! (then) Nigga, shut up. Take that team light skin shit outside. THE BOY I’ve never seen one of these. FAM A first dance? THE GIRL A wedding. FAM Yeah. (then) Marriage is so wack. I mean, I get it. But come on, yo. Forever? (”Ms. Jackson”) Forever, ever? Forever, ever? THE GIRL You think either of them don’t wanna do it? FAM Mane, I bet both of em are like that. THE GIRL They look happy as fuck though. FAM Cause they reached their goal. In a year they’ll be like “oh fuck...goals are dumb.” KAI Goals are dumb? 37. FAM Making your life a goal is dumb. I think. This shit is supposed to be just fun. (then) I took an edible at the diner. It’s kickin in. Hard. I’ma go upstairs. THE GIRL Okay. They both stand there for a moment. FAM I’m gonna need some help. Lily takes Fam by the arm. FAM (CONT’D) There we go. They head to the elevators. Kai I’ma look for some bridesmaids. They walk off. JANE (yelling to KAI) Gee-van-chi! KAI (calling back) Nigga, god bless you. JANE (to The Boy) What you doin? The Boy stares at the couple. THE GIRL I’ma stay down here. SAGE You good? THE GIRL I’m great. They Kanye shrug, then walk off to the bar. The Girl walks into the banquet. 38. INT. BANQUET HALL - NIGHT The lights are low. Most of the people have gotten up to pee or something. The Girl just stares at the couple. Then she decides to start recording. A man comes up to her. OLDER INDIAN DUDE Who are you here with? THE GIRL (not looking up from his phone) The groom. We went to college together. OLDER INDIAN DUDE Oh. (then) Nice isn’t it? THE GIRL (sincere) Beautiful. OLDER INDIAN DUDE When the buddies start getting married, that means you’re next. THE GIRL I don’t think so. OLDER INDIAN DUDE That’s what everyone says. That’s what I said thirty years ago. THE GIRL I don’t believe in marriage. (then) Maybe that’s not true. But I am against it. OLDER INDIAN DUDE What do you believe in? THE GIRL Cool baby mamas. OLDER INDIAN DUDE Ahhhhh. But how many women you know are interested in your concept? 39. THE GIRL More than you’d think. I find if you have a job and are actually interested in raising a child, women, who are a little older, tend to be responsive. I just don’t think they like being labeled that. (then) Do you get tired of it? OLDER INDIAN DUDE Of marriage? THE GIRL Of marriage. Of her. Of yourself. He thinks. OLDER INDIAN DUDE Yes. Sometimes. THE GIRL Then why? OLDER INDIAN DUDE I had to man-up. It was time. I don’t regret it. THE BOY Well I don’t have to man-up. I did what I’m supposed to do. I found the things I’m good at. I didn’t get anyone pregnant on the way there. And I’ve had mature relationships that prepared me for what marriage is. OLDER INDIAN DUDE Mature relationships? THE GIRL Yeah. I keep in touch with all my exes. We’re all friends. OLDER INDIAN DUDE You still call them. THE GIRL I send em a happy birthday text or DM ‘em. OLDER INDIAN DUDE That’s not a friend. I do that with my boss. And I hate my boss. 40. (MORE) (to himself) Fuckin Korean kid thinks he know everything. Silence. OLDER INDIAN DUDE (CONT’D) What do you do? THE GIRL I troll celebrities, politicians, or anyone with large enough online cache until I get a response. I post those responses and/or convos on my blog. And I charge gossip blogs and advertisers to advertise on my site and sometimes me and my friend put out novelty books of fucked up things we find online while digging up dirt on said celebrities and/ or politicians and sell it to niche book stores or larger stores that fit our aesthetic. The man just stares, not understanding. THE BOY (CONT’D) How old are you? OLDER INDIAN DUDE Fifty-three. THE GIRL I’m like Bill O'Reilly. OLDER INDIAN DUDE Oh. The older man leaves. A shlubby man in a suit comes to the podium in front. People clap for the end of the dance. MAN IN SUIT I’ve known Safia and Greg since college and I honestly knew this day would happen since we were getting high in my dorm room junior year at GW. (to mom) Sorry Mrs. Healey, Greg smokes weed. You gotta deal! Everyone laughs. 41. OLDER INDIAN DUDE (CONT'D) MAN IN SUIT (CONT’D) But honestly, may you two spend the rest of your lives healthy and happy. “Awwww” MAN IN SUIT (CONT’D) And now, the traditional “march to forever” to bless the bride and groom with happiness for all their days to come. Everyone claps. **************[PLAY SONG “3005” AT THIS POINT]************** Little creatures slowly start to march out from the kitchen. Some have banners that say “HAPPY MARRIAGE!”. Some have sparklers. They all bounce on beat. It’s cute for a very short moment. Then it feels wrong. All the creatures have two legs, two arms, like humans. But they are definitely not humans. One of the giveaways being that they are naked, but don’t seem to have genitals. All the creatures are breathing heavy out their mouths (their noses being two tiny slits probably don’t allow for heavy air traffic). They’re about three feet high. Their eyes are larger than they should be and are spread farther on their faces. They don’t have hair anywhere on their bodies. They all have forced smiles on their faces. You can see their teeth are just a little too sharp when they smile. Insinuating carnivorous behavior. If they wanted to, at any point they could jump on you and rip out your throat in .8 seconds. But they’re not right now. They’re marching. One of the creatures has tears in it’s eyes. Still smiling tho. Pushing the smile. Everyone is smiling as they march past, but they’re all very cautious. Clearly worried that one may attack. The Boy watches as the creatures reach the front of the party and form a circle. They do this weird clapping, almost step team routine, then stop. The music stops. CREATURE 1 We did it! 42. CREATURE 2 Yay! Everyone claps. The bride and groom force a smile. The creatures slowly make their way back to the kitchen. All that’s heard is their struggled breathing and clammy skin hitting the wooden dance floor. One stares at The Boy as he (or she) leaves. ...that was unacceptable. [LEMONGRAB: UNNACCEPTABLE!] ***********[PLAY “SECRET TRACK 9 1/2 [CODED] ” NOW]********** (do not read on while this track plays. Wait until it is finished, then continue reading) CUT TO: ****[PLAY “PLAYING AROUND BEFORE THE PARTY STARTS” NOW]**** INT. MANSION - NIGHT The Girl sits at her piano; playing randomly, trying to make sense of everything/anything. Jane and Sage talk to Zoe and ALICE in the kitchen. They’re arguing about driving, or cooking with coconut oil instead of olive oil, or something else they themselves will not care about or remember in a month, year, ten years, 100 years, the age of the universe. The house is starting to look pretty bad. The cleaners that used to come stop receiving their payment and stopped coming. Plastic cups are starting to spread like a blue rash across the living room and coffee tables. Every surface has a sticky spot. You used to be able to slide into the kitchen from the living room with a two second run and quick stop. Now, dried alcohol stops you before you even get to the kitchen door. The Girl really loved sliding into the kitchen when she was a kid. It was the closest you could get to having powers. ***********[PLAY SONG “THE PARTY” AT THIS POINT]************ Minutes go by. People start to crowd around The Girl as she continues on piano. So many people she can’t think. 43. Fam daps up a kid as he walks in. They then walk over to a closet where Fam opens up a pantry of weed. It’s not nostalgic rap video stocked with weed, but there’s a lot of weed in there. Fam tosses an ounce of weed at the kid. The kid and his friend smell it and nod. They look to Fam to share a smile of like “good shit, right?”, but Fam isn’t there for em. Fam gives em the “where’s my money you privileged ass-hole” look. They pull out some hundreds. Alice is sitting knees to chest with a french dude in the center of the pool table. They’re eating s’mores. Zoe and Jane and jumping over the fire pit like idiots. There are people saying things, giving opinions, feeling interesting. Everyone has a purpose tonight. It’s a great time. But then: ...this is a waste. THE GIRL Get. ...of time. THE GIRL (CONT’D) Out. Everyone. No one can hear him. It’s a party. THE GIRL (CONT’D) Everyone needs to get out. NOW! People start to notice. The Girl gets up from the piano and grabs a pool stick. She quickly walks over to the ipod dock playing music and winds up like it’s a bat. SMASH. Everyone stares. FUCKBOY 2 That’s my phone, nigga! The Girl looks up. There’s a deep inhale, then she starts smashing everything. Glass sprays everywhere, alcohol splashes, people start running out. SOME DUDE 2 Worldstar! 44. The Girl continues hitting things. She’s about to come down on somoeone’s phone that’s lying on the coffee table. She holds the pool cue above her head and lets it down fast. But right before, someone grabs the cell phone, laying their hand on top of it, daring The Girl to hit the hand. The Girl barely stops in time. The hand has a cast on it. The Girl looks up to see a girl (NAOMI) staring at him. She looks mad. The Girl is mad. But not at her. She’s trying to look mad at her, but she really looks like “sorry”. Eyes locked. She slowly takes her phone, making complete eye contact the entire time, then walks out. Everyone stares at this strange interaction. As soon as she leaves, The Girl goes back to smashing things. THE GIRL Get out! Get away! Some people start running out trying not to get hit. Other people just laugh cause they’re high or because they think it’s pathetic. They all leave eventually. The Girl stands there for a moment. She turns to the bar next to the pool table. There’s half a blunt and a bottle of Sriracha sitting there. The Girl takes the bottle and starts squirting it on the pool table. When she’s done, hse’s written: “ROSCOE’S WETSUIT”. FAM Nice. The Girl turns. Fam’s just sitting there. No one even noticed him. Fam gives her a SMH. The Girl leaves. CUT TO: *************[PLAY SONG “NO EXIT” AT THIS POINT]************* INT. THE BOY’S ROOM - LATER NIGHT The Girl lays in his bed. Blue and black stripes from the shades fold over her face. She can hear raccoons scurrying outside. 45. Sh sees a spider in the corner of the room. Just sitting in its web. The Girl doesn’t particularly like or dislike spiders. They’re everywhere in the house. It’s a big house and it’s right next to a reserve. But something about this spider sitting there...it really bothers him. It makes him mad. He can hear the spider. Just sitting there. Getting louder. I’m going to describe it as emotional tinnitus: when everything is silent and quiet, you can see the empty web you’re in. It is annoying. Which is the slowest form of torture. ...The Girl gets up. CUT TO: INT. CAR - NIGHT The Girl drives. I’m not sure where she’s driving. She’s not sure where she’s driving. She drives about an hour out into some industrial wasteland- looking nook of Los Angeles. She parks her car. Then, barefoot, she sits on the roof of her car and watches the cars pass. Bright lights grow to an explosion then fade out as they pass. She goes into her pocket and holds the “hackz” flash drive that we saw on his desk at the beginning. Someone’s spray painted “ROSCOE’S WETSUIT” on the side of the bridge. The Girl is not surprised. It’s not making more sense, but it’s becoming more dependable, which is always nice. The Girl realizes she hasn’t eaten all day. Maybe that’s what’s wrong. CUT TO: EXT. FATBURGER - NIGHT The Girl orders a burger in the drive thru. A skinny Latino kid with a Bluetooth hands her the bag. The Girl pulls over to the side and opens the bag. She looks at the burger for a moment. 46. The Girl throws the burger out. CUT TO: INT. MANSION - NIGHT The Girl walks through the house; locking all the doors and turning off all the lights. It’s always a weird feeling to walk around the house at night because most of the walls are glass, so people can see right inside, especially when it’s dark. It’s pretty hard to even get to the house, it’s the highest home on the hill and there’s a long winding road before . But at the same time, if someone got up there, it’d be easy to figure out how to get in. All the lights are off now. The Girl walks over to The Buddha in the middle of the foyer. She sits on the floor next to him with her knees to her chest. Looking out the front door into half the darkness and half his reflection. She used to be terrified of this Buddha. When she was little, she’d run behind the statue like it would jump on him as soon as she past. But He slowly became something like a best friend. Something like that. INT. THE GIRL’S ROOM - NIGHT The Girl pours Pelligrino into a wine glass. Then she continues to twist her metal weed grinder in her hand. She takes the top off the grinder and pours the white powder inside the glass. She drinks it, then sits on the foot of the bed and takes off her black hoodie. Pulling the covers over her body, she looks at the spider in the corner...only it was gone. Where’d it go? Why would it leave? What about it’s parents? Won’t they be sad? What a bout hi s frien ds? W hat ab o u t all his s t uf f h o w wa s h esu p p ose d to ke e p all h is s ... . . . . ..... . . . . 47. ********[PLAY SONG “DEATH BY NUMBERS” AT THIS POINT]******** (Let the song play for this entire page. When it is done, go to the next page.) 48. *****[PLAY SONG “FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR” AT THIS POINT]***** INT. HOSPITAL - DAY The Girl wakes up. She’s in a gown. Her eyes feel heavy. The TV is on in her room. “Golden Girls” to be specific. One of the ladies just said funny cause there’s a lot of laughter. Sitcom laughs always freaked her out. Because most of those people are dead. Those are ghost laughs. Laughs that are supposed to be gone forever linger on earth after every mid 90s joke about teenage sex or someone saying “don’t go there”. Looking for their mouths, never finding them because they’re gone. The laughs don’t feel good because they’re dead laughs. Those laughs aren’t what they stood for anymore. They’ve been reappropriated. Now they’re just sounds monkey descendants make when amused to cue other monkey descendants when to make the sounds at home. ...my eyes feel heavy. A nurse comes in. WHITE GUY NURSE Hello Mr.[EDIT]. How are you feeling? THE GIRL Like I’m about to get talked to by someone about- (gestures) All this. Nurse gives a “yep” look. WHITE GUY NURSE You’re friends brought you in- THE GIRL They’re not my friends. WHITE GUY NURSE I don’t think they’d like you saying that. THE GIRL Doesn’t matter. It’s the truth. But also, they know. We’re not friends. 49. (MORE) There’s a mutual benefit to our relationship, but I can’t trust them for shit. WHITE GUY NURSE Then why save you? THE GIRL Cause their lives are far easier with me around. It’s survival. WHITE GUY NURSE I think you should talk to someone. THE GIRL We’re talking. WHITE GUY NURSE A professional. THE GIRL Why? You don’t care. You’re not gonna make sure I do. (then) Our lives aren’t precious, man. Silence. The Nurse begins to clean up. WHITE GUY NURSE You done? THE GIRL I was trying to be. WHITE GUY NURSE No you weren’t. Cause, guess what? It’s not hard to do. Nurse leaves. INT. WAITING ROOM - LATER THAT DAY The Girl walks out of the double doors. Jane, Sage, and Fam are sitting there. They look up wearily. THE GIRL I don’t wanna talk. Let’s just go be awkward and quiet together at Chipotle. Alright? They all just stare. SAGEk gets up slowly and walks over. 50. THE GIRL (CONT'D) SAGE Umm...we didn’t know if we should wait or tell you later, babe. The Girl makes a [”WHAT?” EMOJI] face. SAGE (CONT’D) ...your mom died, sis. Got the call. Silence. THE GIRL Okay. (hum of a jet engine...) CUT TO: ******[PLAY SONG “ZEALOTS OF STOCKHOLM” AT THIS POINT]***** INT. JET PLANE - EVENING The Girl lies her head against the plane window, the oil from her hair leaving grease smudges all over the window. Her mother died in Berlin. A family member was needed. Didn’t realize that they were each other’s only family till this very moment. When you lose that, you basically lose most of your memories, at least the accuracy of your own memories. She wanted to be cremated. The Girl didn’t really know anyone in Berlin, but she also didn’t want to be in her hotel room with her mother for a day. Even if he was just ashes. So she decided to search through her followers for someone from Germany. Some girl named “@Hello_Pity_” Dm’d her back and they were supposed to meet up after all the whatever she had to do. She looked pretty in her avi: an inverted Hello Kitty. But that really doesn’t mean anything at all, especially since her instagram was blocked, which is something she’s learned not to trust at all. So she looked through her tweets, figured out a night she went to a club, used one of her dummy profiles and pretended that they’d met at the club that night. She had trouble remembering because, according to her feed, she was “fuckin turnt, [CRAZY TONGUE OUT EMOJI] lol”. She added this made up dude as a friend on facebook. Now The Girl could see her pictures. 51. The rest of her pictures confirmed she was indeed pretty. This girl loves Machine Gun Kelly though. New MGK. The pop punk country MGK. She loves MGK in the way you love that girl on Maury who’s like “my favorite flavor popsicle is DICK!”, which is close to sincere love, but nowhere near it at the same time. INT. STRANGE OFFICE - NIGHT The Girl is sitting across at a desk, across from a solemn man. An urn sits on the left side of the desk. The man slides it over to The Girl. SOLEMN MAN I’m sorry for your loss. Silence. Don’t you have to ask someone before you cremate their mother? I don’t know how these things work. SOLEMN MAN (CONT’D) These were found with her. He gives The Girl a large brown paper bag. INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The Girl vapes on the foot of her bed. She’s DMing back and forth with “@Hello_Pity_” who’s real name is Alyssa. @thegoldmolar: where u at @Hello_Pity_: bar called box. meet u here? @thegoldmolar: yeah. @Hello_Pity_: u should meet my boyfriend. he loves you. Weird. @thegoldmolar: sure. 52. @Hello_Pity_: [CRYING LAUGH EMOJI] LOL. Don’t worry. It’s not like that. @thegoldmolar: wdym @Hello_Pity_: [CRAZY TONGUE OUT EMOJI] see u soon She puts her phone down. EXT. STOCKHOLM STREETS - NIGHT There’s a buzz going on. Very pretty people walk hand in hand on the street. There are people saying things, giving opinions, feeling interesting. Everyone has a purpose tonight. It’s a great time. A couple walk by: SUPER HANDSOME GUY German blah blah blah roscoe’s wetsuit hahahaha! SUPER PRETTY GIRL blah blah, german blah blah roscoe’s wetsuit! The Girl walks up to a pink, glowing, but very discreet sign that says “box”. There’s a big bald guy standing outside with no hat. There’s steam coming off his head. A girl is standing outside smoking, at least trying to. She can’t seem to get the cigarette lit. It’s Alyssa. THE GIRL Hey. ALYSSA Ah! It’s you. She gives her a kiss on both cheeks. ALYSSA (CONT’D) Fancy meeting you like this, huh? THE GIRL I don’t know what you mean. She puts out her cigarette. After two big puffs. ALYSSA Let’s go. 53. THE GIRL Didn’t you want me to meet your boyfriend? ALYSSA Who? That guy? She points to a corner of the building, a few steps from the front. A guy with long blonde hair (her boyfriend?)is making out with a girl in the cold. THE GIRL What am I getting into? ALYSSA Nothing. You’re getting into nothing. CUT TO: EXT. STOCKHOLM STREETS - CONTINUOUS The Girl and Alyssa walk slowly through the streets. It’s very cold, so they’re the only ones doing that. ALYSSA What made you DM me? THE GIRL I don’t know anyone here. ALYSSA Then why are you here? THE GIRL My mom died. I have to pick her up. ALYSSA R O U G H. How? THE GIRL Doesn’t matter at this point. ALYSSA I know right? It’s always “how’d he die?” Like if you know all the ways, you’ll avoid it. Silly. She shivers. 54. ALYSSA (CONT’D) I don’t believe in small talk. What’s the longest relationship you’ve been in? THE GIRL Five years. ALYSSA Wow. What happened? THE GIRL I’m still in it. ALYSSA Oh? THE GIRL She does private web shows. We’re not together. But it’s a relationship, for sure. ALYSSA I don’t get it. THE GIRL I used to watch her online a whiles back. Then she quit and astarted doing private shows. Then it just started turning into talking. Mostly. ALYSSA Wooooaah. THE GIRL Wha? ALYSSA You’re paying her to be your girlfriend or friend or whatever. THE GIRL Yes. But most people are paying for friends one way or another. ALYSSA No. THE GIRL Your boyfriend is making out with another girl right now. You don’t really have room to judge. 55. ALYSSA I trust that I can never trust him. We’re clear on that. THE GIRL Then why have him at all? ALYSSA Because he’s honest. And I like that. He doesn’t lie to either of us. That’s special to me. INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The two are sitting on the bed staring at the urn on the table. ALYSSA So that’s your dad. THE GIRL That’s my dad. That’s what’s left of him. ALYSSA You guys close? THE GIRL No. ALYSSA You wanna talk about it. THE GIRL No. Silence. THE GIRL (CONT’D) I’m going to make a drink. ALYSSA Alright. The Girl gets up and goes into the living room. While she’s in there, Alyssa gets up, takes the urn, and walks out of the room. The Girl hears the door slam. THE GIRL Alyssa? 56. CUT TO: *************[PLAY SONG “URN” AT THIS POINT]************** EXT. HOTEL - NIGHT The Girl runs out of the front doors. Her breath, clouding in the night. She looks both ways and catches Alyssa turning a corner. She runs to the corner and meets her on the other side. THE GIRL What’s going on. ALYSSA Lets get rid of it. It’s just bad for you. THE GIRL You have a TON of nerve judging me and my mother’s relationship, so much so, you just walk out with his ashes? I feel like what you’re doing is against the law, but much like the fact she was cremated before I arrived, I don’t know if it’s illegal. I’m still pissed though. ALYSSA We’re gonna do this together. The Girl is pissed. She’s trying not to blow up. ALYSSA (CONT’D) I had a sister. I did this when she died. THE BOY Yes. That gives you the right. Alyssa digs in her pocket and pulls out her phone. She turns it on and the background is Alyssa and a girl that looks exactly like her. The Boy takes the phone. THE GIRL (CONT’D) Twins. 57. ALYSSA Yes. THE GIRL I know we agreed that it’s dumb to ask since we’re all headed that way anyway, but- ALYSSA Brain cancer. It was bad. Silence. ALYSSA (CONT’D) So crazy. She LOLs. They’re still walking this entire time. They stop at the water. They stand there making small clouds for a moment. ALYSSA (CONT’D) You want to say something? The Girl shrugs. ALYSSA (CONT’D) Alright- THE Girl Wait. The urn almost tips over the edge. She waits for her. She walks over and takes the urn and just holds it for a moment. Then she kinda hugs it. Laying his head on it, but turning her head so she can’t see what she says: THE GIRL(CONT’D) (whisper) I’m sorry we’re alone. She pours out the ashes. She’s gone. ALYSSA How do you feel? Better? THE GIRL I feel...the same. VOICE HEY! Alyssa and The Girl turn around. It’s Alyssa’s boyfriend. 58. BOYFRIEND What the fuck, bro? ALYSSA Oh, so you now you give a fuck. She pushes him back as he takes swipes at The Girl. The Girl is mildly annoyed. They’re all yelling at each other. BOYFRIEND/THE GIRL/ALYSSA You’re dead ass-hole!/ Relax, nothing happened/ Would you stop! The boyfriend breaks free from her. BOYFRIEND Do you know who the fuck I am? ALYSSA Please don’t. Please don’t do this. THE GIRL Nah, man. I don’t know who you are. BOYFRIEND (CONT’D) (scream) WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY! (silence) I. Wrote. That. That’s my shit. I’m the nigga dressed like a fox. That’s all me. THE GIRL What? The boyfriend starts making the noises a fox makes in the song. BOYFRIEND That! ALYSSA (resigned, to The Girl) Like the song and video. THE GIRL I’ve never heard of it. ALYSSA AND BOYFIREND What/wha? ALYSSA I thought you “were the internet”? 59. THE GIRL That’s a tagline. No one is the actual internet. I just must’ve missed it when it was popular. BOYFRIEND Uh, by “when it was popular” do you mean, uhhh, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW?! THE GIRL Relax. BOYFRIEND Two hundred and twenty million views on Youtube. Two hundred and twenty million. That’s most of the earth. THE GIRL Not true. BOYFRIEND An African village wrote to me- THE GIRL The whole village did? BOYFRIEND -and told me that my song taught them about foxes. They don’t have foxes there. I introduced the idea of a fox to an entire continent... (then) And you wanna fuck my girl? Silence.

I do not wanna fuck your girl. I don’t not want to be here. I am going home now.
The Girl walks away. Alyssa and her boyfriend start a boring argument in the cold as he disappears. CUT TO: INT. LA VEGAN RESTAURANT - NIGHT
Fam, another woman, and The Girl sit in a booth at the restaurant. Fam and the woman are talking. The Girl is silent. Don’t know if she’s just bored or jet lagged from Germany. Either way she’s bumming everyone out. 60. ANOTHER GIRL My friend should be here soon. The Girl doesn’t say anything. Fam and the woman look on. A womanwalks up to the table. The Girl looks up. It’s the girl from the party. NAOMI Hi. The Girl doesn’t say anything. ANOTHER GIRL This is Naomi. (then) Hello? FAM She’s dumb. You should just sit and ignore her. She sits down. NAOMI You’re the person that almost hit my arm. THE GIRL Yes. NAOMI You guys order? THE GIRL No. I hate vegan. I think she’s making us eat here. NAOMI I’m the vegan. I asked to eat here. Silence. THE GIRL I hate vegan. NAOMI (saying it dumb) Duhh, “I hate vegan”. In her head, she was lol-ing. In real life, she just kinda looked down. 61. NAOMI (CONT’D) What’s the deal. Why you always act like your parents died. The Girl smirks. THE GIRL They did. Awkward. Silence. ANOTHER GIRL I’m so sorry. Fam and The Girl stare at each other for a moment. Then laugh. Another Girl and Naomi do not. FAM (to The Girl) Your parents are dead, man. THE GIRL My parents are dead yo. They slowly stop laughing. Naomi thinks The Girl is weird. But she doesn’t run. INT. MANSION - NIGHT Fam and Another Girl are sitting on the swings smoking and talking about something they will never remember and don’t really care about. Naomi and The Girl sit in the living room. NAOMI What did she do? THE Girl I don’t know. NAOMI How’d she afford all this? THE BOY I don’t know. NAOMI Then how can you afford all this? She leave you a lot? 62. THE GIRL Creditors were after her. I don’t know if she had anything left. I’m not concerned. (serious) I’m gonna sell drugs. Naomi LMAOs. NAOMI Whaaaaaat. THE GIRL Fam can hook me up. I’ve been watching him for a minute. They run out of here already. NAOMI I don’t think you need me to tell you you’re an awful dealer. THE GIRL How would you even know? NAOMI You make everything feel awkward. You can’t connect with anyone. How is anyone supposed to feel like they can trust you? THE GIRL Yeah, that’s what drug dealers are known for. Their comfort. NAOMI They are, dumb-ass. You gotta know how people work. You’re only good with people online. She slowly turns to her. “how does she know that?” NAOMI (CONT’D) I looked you up. THE GIRL After the party or just now. NAOMI Just now. I’m a writer too. THE GIRL Oh really. 63. NAOMI Yup. And I know I’m good cause people keep stealing my shit. She hits the vape. NAOMI (CONT’D) I tweeted this. (holds up her phone) Is that not my poem verbatim? I posted them together. This nigga just rapped this like it was his. THE GIRL (looking at her phone) Your first mistake is being a poet past the year 1974, by the way. NAOMI That’s how good my shit is. I’m bringing the whole form back. THE GIRL You’re cocky when you’re high. NAOMI No. I’m talkative when I’m high. I’m cocky all the time, but I’m silent for most of it...like you. The GIrl looks up. Naomi lifts an eyebrow. The Girl doesn’t smile. Naomi goes cross-eyed. No response. She stops, then sighs. NAOMI (CONT’D) You ever think we’re in hell? This is all hell. Living on earth and being the only one’s aware that it’s all ending slowly. Silence. THE GIRL No. NAOMI I read something that said more than likely we all just do this all again. It’s all a cycle. THE GIRL I like that theory. 64. NAOMI Yeah. (then) See? You’re not such a lonely boy. She LOLs and mushes his face with her hand. The Boy smh, but smiles. ***********[PLAY SONG “PINK TOES” AT THIS POINT]*********** This is the part where they kinda fall in love a little bit. But I feel like anything we put here wouldn’t do justice to what really happens when a person you meet ends up in your life out of nowhere. But know that it’s exactly how you expect it to be, but also more. It’s a big inside joke that you can’t mess up and only one other person in the world gets. It’s not a very pretty or perfect love, or even necessarily a romantic love. It doesn’t look cool. It’s more like two helpless things in the wild, and one says “I’ll protect you”, and both parties know it’s a lie because there’s no way either of them can protect the other from anything. That lie is the best way to describe this love. That feeling of not having to say “I’m scared”, because you share the exact feelings without having words over or under complicate it, that’s worth more than protection. It’s a connection. The less alone. This is all we look for on earth. The Girl and Naomi hang a lot. They spend the night and make breakfast sometimes. She buys stuff for her. She makes her stuff. They watch cartoons together. They’re always saying things, giving opinions, feeling interesting. They both have a purpose. It’s a great time. Time passes. The Girl starts moving small amounts of weed out the mansion, but starts selling more to keep up, along with stuff that isn’t weed. She started growing crop in the nursery. The electricity bill would be high, but she stopped living in the mansion. She started renting another place to stay and keep the business separate. To be honest it was getting a little out of hand, as Naomi predicted. The Girl is not a good dealer. A lot of people think you have to be cold and calculated, which she was to an extent. But you also have to know people. How they act/react. But it was still kinda fun up to this point. Then: 65. INT. RENTAL HOME - DAY The Girl is washing dishes as Naomi stands next to her. They just had lunch. NAOMI Howbout’sm China, IL? THE GIRL Can’t. NAOMI Can’t why? THE GIRL I got a run to do. NAOMI Oh. Silence. NAOMI (CONT’D) I thought you were having other people do that now. THE GIRL I am. Fam can’t do this one. NAOMI If you’re putting up the money you shouldn’t be making the run. THE GIRL I don’t really trust anyone else to do it. NAOMI You don’t really trust anyone. THE GIRL I trust you. NAOMI You shouldn’t. The Girl stops. She got em. THE GIRL You’re right. NAOMI I don’t want to be right. I wanna help you. 66. THE GIRL (said dumb) “I don’t wanna be right” She doesn’t laugh. The Girl hopes she’s LOLing inside. Cellphone vibrates on the counter across from them. She goes over and reads the text. THE GIRL (CONT’D) I gotta go. NAOMI Alright. THE GIRL You okay? NAOMI I’m fine. THE GIRL Is that a fake “I’m fine”. NAOMI No. It’s what “I’m fine” always means. Nothing real is ever “fine”. Remember this. THE GIRL I’ll be back. She walks out. They don’t see each other anymore. EXT. I-10 - DAY The Girl is driving down the highway listening to “Knuckle Velvet” by Ethel Cain. EXT. MANSION - DAY The car parks in the driveway. There are three cars already there. When she pulls up, she’s playing “carbonhead” by tracey brakes. When it goes off, she continues singing her version while walking up. THE GIRL Sweet Cream Havarti/ Sweet Mozzarella/ Sweet Cheez-its. They’re made in America/ Sweet Bowl of Cheez-its/ Ohhhhh-oohhhhh- 67. Four dudes are standing waiting at the front door. Something is wrong. The Girl stops singing and stands there in front of the dudes. They look at her. Alone. They all pull out 45s. ***[PLAY SONG “EARTH: THE OLDEST COMPUTER” AT THIS POINT]*** INT. MANSION - DAY They all walk in. DUDE 1 Where the packs? THE GIRL In that closet. DUDE 1 Sit over there. The Girl sits in the living room. Maybe she could run out the back? Where though? They’re at the top of a mountain. If someone heard a shot in this neighborhood, they’d call the police immediately. Unfortunately, there isn’t a police department in the Palisades. She’d be waiting for the Santa Monica department, which would take a minute. The feeling The Girl had now was shockingly similar to the feeling she got at her own parties. People she didn’t know or like casually walking through her home and her having to pretend everything is “fine”, or that they don’t have all the power. Maybe she could text Fam. DUDE 1 (CONT’D) Give me your phone. The Girl hands him her phone. Fuck. Two dudes stand guard at the front and back exits. One dude packs the bricks from the closet in a trash bag. Dude 1 (seems to be the leader) is looking through The Girl’s phone. It didn’t feel like the day The Girl was going to die. Not to say The Girl didn’t feel like she was going to die, she was certain she was going to die today. 68. But she didn’t feel like today felt like a/the last day/night. Like a Wednesday that keeps feeling like a Friday. But the more she thought about it, if the last day felt like the last day, the world would be a different place. The order we have everyday would vanish if you were guaranteed a warning. People wouldn’t live like they do. They wouldn’t care what you thought. It’d be anarchy. Or an utopia. Depending on who you ask. Dude 1 puts The Girl’s phone in his pocket. The Girl doesn’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Dude 1 and Dude 2 start talking. It’s obvious they’re discussing The Girl’s fate. If I was the director, the one who made this moment, the one who saw this moment millennia before, the one who coded this world and allowed this to happen, I’d have Thundercat’s “We'll Die” playing as The Girl looks around at his once castle. ...try to do your best. Oh! It’s like Tony Montana. But resigned and, frankly, more realistic, cause it’s boring. Everybody dies. Most of them are boring. All the dudes walk out except Dude 2. He stays. Dude 1 still has her phone as he walks out. The Girl realizes this action is bad. DUDE 2 Toss me your wallet. This is bad. The Girl tosses the wallet. Dude 2 looks through it. THE Girl Can I drown? Dude 2 looks up. THE GIRL (CONT’D) I just want to die how I want. There’s a pool out there. You’re supposed to get this wave of euphoria when you drown. Supposed to be good. Dude 2 stares. 69. THE GIRL (CONT’D) I could just float there. They’d find me. Dude 2 starts to walks over... (Does it change anything when you’re aware of your last thoughts?) Dude 2 sits next to him. DUDE 2 We’ve been watching you for a while. You’re very sloppy. He’s a cop. This nigga’s a cop. DUDE 2 (CONT’D) I’m just gonna stay here with you for a minute. My guys are picking up those guys up the street. THE GIRL Oh. Silence. THE GIRL (CONT’D) I’m going to jail? DUDE 2 Yep. The Girl looks to the pool in the backyard and sees her own body floating lifeless. Eyes wide, bubbles clinging to his face. Orange, yellow, and brown leaves float above him. Her left shoe floating far ahead, probably from struggling at some point. Next to the pool, Naomi and Jane stand over him. Neither is crying or really seem too upset. They just look on as if the movie they were watching took an abrupt turn and they’re mildly interested rather than satisfied. It looks peaceful. Fitting. She’d like to go out like that. ...what’s that sound? 70. Tires SCREECH outside. Dude 2 stands up. There’s a small crash outside. Yelling. VOICE FREEZE! GUNSHOTS. The Girl and Dude 2 look at each other. Dude 1 kicks open the door. He starts firing. Dude 2 falls. A mist of red puff spurts from his chest. He’s screaming. Dude 1 turns to The Girl and sho ...(breath).....(breath).............(breath).. . . . Silence. 71. *****[PLAY SONG “LIFE: THE BIGGEST TROLL” AT THIS POINT]**** 72.